Really trying hard to stay focused on my main products and not get side tracked - there are so many things to make !!!
Yesterday we picked up some plates I bought on ebay which have a lovely blue and white pattern. I have 6 large plates and 6 smaller plates. I already have the fittings to put together the cake stands so just need to drill holes in the plates !!! (Easy ????)
I have practiced this a few times before on broken plates, but I really didn't want these to break. The trick seems to be keeping the drill bit cool - you can either keep stopping the drill and cool it with a damp cloth or some people seem to use a spray to keep the drilling area cool. (Don't forget, if you are trying this, to use a drill bit designed for drilling through ceramics and tiles). These plates have a decent rim on them, so I was able to add a pool of water to the plate and then 'wet' drill the holes. Success rate 6 out of 8 plates unbroken - result 2 wonderful 3 tiered cake or cup cake stands. (and a few broken bits to trim into necklaces)
Now I just need to wait for the sun to shine to take some photos and get them on sale ....could be a while looking outside......
3 Tier Cake Stand made with vintage blue and white plates
Now for sale via the website -